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  • Writer's pictureRafael Ferraz

Coconut Creek Cougar Gets a Face Lift

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

The iconic feral mascot to Coconut Creek High School was looking a little long in the tooth as of late. The nearly 11 ft. tall mural adorns the facade facing the school bus lanes to the south. The unrelenting sun and rain took its toll on our poor feline friend over the years and resulted in color fading and loss of much of the finer detail. I was brought in to re-mediate this condition and give the cougar a much needed fresh coat of paint along with re-coating the letters as well. Hartzell Construction is handling the school's complete makeover with a new color pallet of "Sunshine Yellow" and "Burgundy" accents. This mural was just a finishing touch and I'm grateful to have worked toward bringing it back to life.

Faded cougar before face lift.

Cougar looking much more scary after.

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